A very very short 3D video
I’m now finished with my master thesis. Hurray. One of the things I have embarked on now that I have heaps of spare time is to learn more about 3D. The last few days I have played with shaders, material, primitives, polygons and other things I hitherto just vaguely knew. What has surprised me is how good things can look with by applying a few shaders, a few changes in the render engine settings and a little light. So far I have just tried out the capabilities of 3D software on some spheres, but who knows, perhaps I will try to play with some shapes and modelling later.
Here is the result of half an hour of adjustments and making a scene and almost 40 hours of rendering.
3D seems to be a lot of fun so I hope to acquire some more skills later. I’m a huge fan of animation movies and I cannot imagine how much work it is to make such a movie, and to not forget the amount of computational processing.
This is my first post-dissertation blogpost, but I hope to be back with more soon.