Lovholm.net back with new layout
In recent years the activity on lovholm.net has decreased.. unfortunately. Hopefully, I will soon be able to kick-start some new articles, as I have picked up a few new things I want to share with the world over the last few years.
As you may have noticed if you been visiting this page earlier, it does not look quite like it did a few months or five years ago. The last larger update of the page (WordPress engine updates excluded) was back in 2011 (six years ago!? times goes fast) while I was doing my studies in Edinburgh. As the world moves on, I saw it fit to change the visual template, update a few plugins, and do a clean install of the WordPress installation.
That being said: Welcome to the new page!
It may be some glitches, there may be some source code not correctly formatted, and pictures may be missing. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if some content on the page, which you want to read, does not render properly or there are missing pictures etc. Although I will try and go through the most vital parts of the page, the updates and checking are usually done sporadically.