Load database from CSV with columns and tables read from file.

Load database from CSV with columns and tables read from file.

The issue at hand here is to load a database with CSV-files in a generic way without having to write separate script for each table.

This short Groovy-script is working based on two conventions:

  • The name of the CSV-file matches the name of the table in the database.
  • The name of the CSV-header matches the name of the column in the table.

The script requires the CSV-files to be read in the folder “to_digest”.

The connection details is placed in a property file, which can be added to the git ignore file if the script is meant to be under GIT version control. In this example configuration variables are stored in the file ‘configuration.properties’ which needs to be in the same folder as the script is executed from.

The property-file contains the following lines:


Please also note that this script is written for Oracle, and that the Oracle drivers are available in the local Nexus repository as these are not available on the open Internet. This can easily be changed to another database vendor. If you choose to use an Open Source database vendor such as MySQL or Postgres the drivers are available in public maven repositories and you will not need the reference to a local repository through the @GrabResolver annotation.


@GrabResolver(name='nexus', root='http://yourorganizationsnexusinstance.you', m2Compatible = 'true')
        @Grab(group='com.oracle', module='ojdbc8', version=''),
        @Grab(group='com.opencsv', module='opencsv', version='3.9')

import groovy.sql.*
import com.opencsv.*

import static groovy.io.FileType.FILES

def path = new File("to_digest")
path.traverse(type : FILES, nameFilter: ~/\w*\.csv/) { it ->
    List entries = digestFile(it)


private List digestFile(def path){

    CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(path),(char)';')
    List myEntries = reader.readAll()
    return myEntries

private void insertFile(def header, def data, def name){
Properties properties = new Properties()
File propertiesFile = new File('configuration.properties')
propertiesFile.withInputStream {
    println name
    Sql conn = Sql.newInstance(properties.db_url,properties.db_user,properties.db_password)
    data.each { rows ->
            String columns = String.join(",", header)
            String values = rows.collect {"'$it'"}.join(",")
            String query = "INSERT INTO ${name} (${columns}) VALUES (${values})"

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