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Author: Ola Løvholm

Bilder fra Øya-festivalen

Bilder fra Øya-festivalen

Jeg var så heldig at jeg fikk vært på Øyafestivalen 2013 for Sky & Scene, forskningsprosjektet jeg arbeider for. Her er et utvalg av bildene jeg tok av band og publikum. [AFG_gallery id=’1′]

Descriptive Statistical Methods in Code

Descriptive Statistical Methods in Code

Statistics can be mighty useful, and a little programming helps it getting even better. I often find that I through code can grasp the fundamental function behind how things work, and I have tried to apply this to statistics as well. In this case to descriptive statistics. Join me in this short attempt to let statistics unconceal itself. Getting ready: Extremistan and Mediocristan This little text is looking closer on some of the descriptive methods of statistics, and to do that…

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Three Useful Terminal Commands

Three Useful Terminal Commands

See my terminal-tools tag for more articles on nifty terminal tools. The *nix terminal is a great tool. In everyday life this is where a lot of things can be done easy and fast with this power tool. There are an abundance of tools and ways of solving problems with the terminal, but here you have three practical applications. Find a text string within current folder grep your_magic_string -H -R * The command ‘grep’ is used as a search tool for plain…

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Push your code onto your EC2 instance with Git

Push your code onto your EC2 instance with Git

Here is a little thing that has saved me a lot of work, and which I find quite neat. I use the EC2 as my cloud computer. This page ( is hosted on a shared host, but sometimes it’s nice to have the flexibility to run things that are not supported by shared hosts, such as custom software and all that jazz. When I try out different web-things that are not only front-end or PHP I usually create a subdomain…

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The Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi has been on the market for a while now, providing a very affordable, small computer for the computer interested and hobbyist hackers. The idea of the Raspberry Pi came in 2006 when teachers at the University of Cambridge’s Computer Laboratory became concern about the decline in numbers and skill-levels among the A-level students who entered computer science. The tinkers of the early computer generation were replaced due to well designed and easy-to-use interfaces, and in school curriculum…

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How to set up an AWS EC2 instance

How to set up an AWS EC2 instance

Amazon Web Service’s EC2 is the workhorse and general purpose computer in the AWS ecosystem. It is affordable (free or very cheap if you keep it scaled to the minimum option), it is easy to set up, and it provides you with a computer located in the cloud. This is a good option if you have content you would like to be accessible everywhere, and especially if you develop solutions you want to be accessible through the Internet. Here are…

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Five year anniversary

Five year anniversary

Five years ago I published the first blog post on this page, and 130 posts later I’m happy I managed my goal of writing a post now and then. Much have happened the last five years, and I hope more will happen in the five years to come. Hopefully you will find a similar post on the ten years anniversary 4th April 2017. Thank you for reading! Ok, I’m very enthusiastic about readers, so after a day with many readers in Google Analytics…

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Norske illustrasjonskart på fylkes- og kommunenivå med SVG

Norske illustrasjonskart på fylkes- og kommunenivå med SVG

Vektor- og rastergrafikk SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics – er, som gitt av navnet, et skalerbart vektorbasert grafikk-markup. Vektorgrafikk er bedre egnet til skalering enn raster, da bildet ikke består av små bildeelementer (Pixel – kort for nettopp picture element), men formler for opptegning av grafikken. Nå har det seg riktignok slik at ikke alt fungerer like godt i begge grafikkverdener. Siden vektorer er basert på forskjellige punkter på et lerret og forbindelsen mellom disse, enten igjennom punkter, rette linjer,…

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Enter the Cloud – Amazon Web Services

Enter the Cloud – Amazon Web Services

AWS – Amazon Web Services – is a great infrastructure cloud service for all IT business from start-ups to full blown corporations. Providing both Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) through the general purpose EC2 and Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) through Beanstalk as well as hybrid solutions such as storage solution S3 and database service RDS. I have been using these services for about half a year now, and I am convinced these services as well as competing equals (e.g. Microsoft Azure) is a good tool…

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Work programmatically with Google Spreadsheets

Work programmatically with Google Spreadsheets

Some time back I authored a script which reads through a CSV formatted list, and based on the artists’ names tried to decide the nationality of the artists by querying the last.FM search engine and parsing the XML structured result. The script worked, and found and returned about 80% of the artists, and around 80% of these again had the conceptually similar artist. What if the alteration could be done in the document itself? For the CSV based script the…

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