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Author: Ola Løvholm

Facebooksider som RSS

Facebooksider som RSS

RSS er super-praktiskt. Enten om du bruker laptop, tablet eller mobil så er aggregerte kilder gull verdt. Hvor digg er det ikke å kunne samle alt du ønsker å lese i en leser (f.eks Google Reader) eller til og med automatisk oppdatere nettbrettet ditt med de nyeste sakene fra dine favorittkilder? Her er en liten oppskrift på hvordan du kan gjøre dette på facebook sider du følger. Det er ikke alltid at social feed plukker opp disse, og dessuten er…

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New layout for

New layout for

As the old layout broke with the newer versions of WordPress, and the fact that it was on high time to get a new layout (the last major visual update was back in 2010 – very long ago in the web world) I have now changed for a beta version of the Arras theme. As you may see from the current state, not everything is up to date, but I hope you have patience as I will now start to customise the…

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Grunnloven av 1814 som ordsky

Grunnloven av 1814 som ordsky

WordClouds, eller ordsky på norsk, du har sikkert sett mange av dem. Ideen er å lage en visuell presentasjon av frekvensen av ordene i teksten. Dette er nyttig da det enkelt kan gi oss en oversikt over hvilke ord som brukes i teksten, og samtidig har den en klar visuell “dette er kult”-effekt. For å lage en wordle kan bruke nettsiden som, om ikke introduserte fenomenet, gjorde det populært: Wordle. Vi skal gjøre det på en annen måte, ved hjelp av…

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Data-wrangling: find country based on artist name

Data-wrangling: find country based on artist name

At the Clouds & Concerts project at the University of Oslo we are working with really interesting topics, based on interesting empirical data. Through our collaboration with the Norwegian streaming service provider WiMP we are together with Telenor and WiMP analysing a vast collection of data. More about the project’s data-part, also the ‘Clouds’ part of the project’s name can be found on the project’s web sites. Artist and Country One of the tasks at hand was to find out…

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Create Thumbnails Programatically

Create Thumbnails Programatically

If you have several images following a certain structure on a web page and want them as thumbnails, it can be useful to programatically create these. The manual way of creating thumbnails (using Photoshop or similar) can often be time consuming while the execution time for a script resizing an image is counted in microseconds. If you already have a script this can also be fitted for other similar situations. With the Python Image Library (PIL) thumbnails can be created…

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Kom igang med Android programmering

Kom igang med Android programmering

Mobilplattformen Android har gått forbi Apples iOS i populæritet, og er snart tilgjengelig i versjon 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Android har en hardware-uavhengig arkitektur og kan derfor finnes på mobiler, nettbrett, og snart også andre enheter som biler, TV set-top bokser og innen sikkert en helt andre bruksområder. 1. Sjekk at du har riktige Java verktøy De fleste Android applikasjoner skrives i Java og du trenger derfor Java installert for å få utviklingsverktøyene til å fungere, og selvfølgelig for å få…

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Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap

According to Swedish professor in International Health and distinguished TED-speaker Hans Rosling many of us have an outdated conception of the world’s economic situation. At a recent lecture at the University of Oslo Rosling pointed out that while the USA, straight after the outbreak of the recent economic crisis, became in debt to Brazil, countries in the west including Norway provide monetary support to Brazil. The picture below was taken at an economic summit hosted by then president George W….

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Åpne stortingsdata

Åpne stortingsdata

For en stund tilbake skrev jeg en liten post om hvordan stortingsdata kunne hentes ned fra Stortingets hjemmesider programmatisk. Som et utgangspunkt for å benytte data, enten til lek eller alvor, mener jeg offentlige data fungerer utmerket. Vi lever jo i et demokratisk samfunn, og uansett hvor mye mye tillit du måtte ha til politikerne eller mediene (eller hvor lite) har du som borger en rett til å gjøre dine egne analyser av offentlig informasjon og forhåpentligvis finner du noe…

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What does your Twitter followers look like

What does your Twitter followers look like

I like Twitter. It’s the virtual world’s answer to Post-it notes, well not really, but the nature of the site constrains people from droning on-and-on about a topic. The restrictions in the number of characters a user may put into a tweet causes brevity, which is ideal when the total number of people who you follow is increasing and the live-feed of Tweets is updated several times per minute. This restrictions in the number of characters have fostered a certain…

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A couple of weeks ago I replaced my ever faithful brick-Nokia with a recent smart phone. I like HTC and when my friend Henrik (an excellent salesman working at Elkjøp Ullevål – in case you need new a new phone) recommended X One I chose that instead of Samsungs result from the collaboration with Google, the Nexsus. This post is not so much about the phones, but more about the photographic quality of new phones and some cool features, most…

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